Labor Market by 2030: 22% of Current Jobs to Disappear

Mercado de Trabalho até 2030 22 dos Empregos Atuais Devem Desaparecer

Labor Market Transformations by 2030: 22% of Current Jobs Set to Disappear, World Economic Forum Report Finds

The global job market is about to face significant changes in the coming years. According to the World Economic Forum’s “Future of Jobs Report 2025”, by 2030, 22% of current jobs are expected to disappear, while 14% of new opportunities will be created, resulting in a net growth of 7% in total employment.

Main Transformation Factors

Several factors are driving these changes in the labor market:

  • Technological advances: The expansion of digital access is considered the most transformative trend, with 60% of employers expecting it to impact their business by 2030. Technologies such as Artificial Intelligence (AI), information processing, robotics and automation are seen as decisive for this process.

  • Green Transition: Concern about climate change is leading companies to prioritize sustainable practices, boosting demand for professionals in areas such as renewable energy and environmental engineering.

  • Demographic Change: An ageing population in wealthier economies and a growing working-age population in lower-income economies are shaping the demand for skills in talent management, education and health.

  • Geopolitical tensions: Geo-economic fragmentation and political tensions are leading companies to adapt their business models, increasing the demand for skills in cyber security, resilience and flexibility.

Professions on the Rise and Decline

Based on the trends identified, the report highlights the following professions on the rise until 2030:

  1. Big Data specialists
  2. Fintech engineers
  3. AI and Machine Learning specialists
  4. Software and Application Developers
  5. Security Management Specialists
  6. Data Storage Specialists
  7. Electric and Autonomous Vehicle Specialists
  8. User Experience and Interface Designers
  9. Internet of Things (IoT) Specialists
  10. Delivery service drivers

On the other hand, professions that tend to decline include:

  1. Postal Service Employees
  2. Bank Tellers and Related Employees
  3. Data Entry Clerks
  4. Cashiers and Clerks
  5. Administrative Assistants and Executive Secretaries
  6. Printing Workers and Related Trades
  7. Accountants, Clerks and Payroll Professionals
  8. Material Registration and Stock Keeping Workers
  9. Transportation Attendants and Drivers
  10. Door-to-door Salespeople, Newspaper Salespeople and Related Workers
preparação para o futuro mercado de trabalho

Preparing for the future

Faced with these predictions, it is essential that professionals and companies adapt to the new demands of the market. Investing in technological skills such as AI, big data and cybersecurity, as well as human competencies such as resilience, leadership and environmental awareness, will be crucial to thriving in the ever-evolving workplace.

In addition, educational and vocational training policies must be aligned with emerging needs, ensuring that the workforce is prepared for the challenges and opportunities ahead.

In short, the labor market by 2030 will be marked by profound transformations, driven by technological advances, demographic changes and environmental concerns. The ability to adapt and the continuous search for new skills will be decisive for professional success in this new scenario.

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